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OpenAI Launches SearchGPT, Revolutionizing AI Search

OpenAI Launches SearchGPT, Revolutionizing AI Search

SearchGPT, OpenAI's new AI search tool, promises faster responses and richer content than competitors. It delivers results in under 4 seconds, uses conversational formats, and includes multimedia elements like images and videos. This launch pressures both established giants like Google and emerging startups in the AI search space.

OpenAI emphasizes partnerships with publishers to avoid copyright issues and enhance content quality. This strategy aims to build a robust ecosystem, crucial for maintaining search relevance and credibility.

The entry of OpenAI, with its vast user base and advanced models, significantly narrows opportunities for AI search startups. These smaller firms face intense competition and high operational costs, particularly in building extensive index databases.

Despite challenges, AI search startups are focusing on niche markets like e-commerce and enterprise solutions, hoping to carve out sustainable roles in a rapidly evolving industry.

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