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"Trump Advocates for National Bitcoin Reserve and U.S. Crypto Policy"

'Trump Advocates for National Bitcoin Reserve and U.S. Crypto Policy'

Trump pledges national Bitcoin reserve, vows never to sell. At Nashville's Bitcoin conference, he advocated for U.S. mining and a comprehensive crypto policy. His stance aligns with fears of Chinese dominance in digital assets. Trump sees crypto as a burgeoning industry, potentially surpassing gold. He criticizes Democrats, promising to dismiss SEC's Gary Gensler if re-elected. This move aims to appease the crypto community, which views Gensler as hostile.

Trump's pivot on crypto reflects his business acumen. He previously dismissed Bitcoin but now leverages it for political gain and fundraising. His NFT sales underscore his adaptability. Meanwhile, Democrats under Biden have alienated the crypto sector, leaving an opening for Trump.

The 2024 election could redefine crypto regulation. Trump's support from the crypto elite signals a shift in political alignment. His message resonates with those disillusioned by Democratic policies. The race for the White House now hinges on digital currency's future.

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