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Calbee Embraces AI for Snack Innovation

Calbee Embraces AI for Snack Innovation

Calbee, Japan's snack giant, is looking to AI to revitalize its potato chips. Partnering with Pegasus Tech Ventures in Silicon Valley, they are seeking out U.S. startups to enhance snack health, production efficiency, and new business models.

The role of AI includes speeding up R&D, predicting consumer tastes, and creating customized chips. It also explores more environmentally friendly packaging options. Calbee favors Pegasus for its expertise with startups and global influence.

Beyond AI, Calbee is also exploring plant-based, insect-based foods, and sustainable technologies. The goal is to offer healthier snacks for Japan's aging population and to operate in an eco-friendly manner.

Calbee is not just investing; it's also offering startups access to its Asian markets. This strategy also positions Calbee for potential expansion into the U.S.

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