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China Proposes National Internet ID System Amid Privacy and Control Debates

China is planning to introduce a national internet ID system, which would replace current company verifications that use phone numbers linked to personal IDs. The government asserts that this system will protect privacy and combat fraud, but critics view it as a means to tighten online control.

The proposal is currently open for public feedback and suggests that websites and apps may voluntarily adopt the ID. Although China's internet has historically been subject to monitoring, this initiative could potentially centralize surveillance efforts.

Some individuals support the ID due to concerns about privacy breaches by various apps, while others, such as Professor Lao Dongyan, believe it is a pretext for heightened social control, comparing it to the health code app employed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professor Shen Kui cautions against the risks of a centralized ID, fearing it could discourage internet use. The ongoing debate underscores concerns about state power and individual freedoms in the digital era.

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