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Chinese EVs Revolutionize Thailand's Auto Market

Chinese EV makers, led by GAC Aion, have stormed into Thailand, reshaping its auto market. Aion's team landed in Bangkok with no local setup, selling their first EV in 74 days. They adapted their cars for local conditions, boosting AC power and chassis strength.

Thailand, dubbed "Detroit of Asia," faces a seismic shift. Japanese car dominance wanes as Chinese brands like BYD and Great Wall Motor gain ground. Chinese EVs flood billboards and factories rise, driving up land prices.

China's government has long backed new energy vehicles, fostering mass production and competitive pricing. Despite EU and US tariffs, Thailand remains crucial due to its market size and proximity to China.

Thai car sales slump, but EVs surge 50%. Price wars loom, threatening industry health. Great Wall Motor, facing EU tariffs, shifts focus to Thailand.

Chinese EVs now dominate Thai showrooms, a stark contrast to the past Japanese stronghold. This rapid transformation underscores China's strategic push into global auto markets.

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