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Innovative Mosquito Net Saves Lives in Malaria-prone Areas

Mosquito nets are not just for repelling mosquitoes.

Yin Qing's long-lasting insecticidal mosquito net, treated with medication, can kill or stun mosquitoes within three minutes of contact. This net significantly increases the survival chances of children in malaria-endemic areas.

The key to the medication treatment lies in a special membrane that allows the right amount of medication to permeate, effectively killing mosquitoes while ensuring child safety. This membrane controls drug release through tiny pores, achieving a long-lasting effect.

The development process is complex, involving the mixing of drugs with high-density polyethylene, drawing techniques, and more. Facing mosquito resistance to drugs, Yin Qing's team continuously innovates, developing second and third-generation products to ensure the anti-malarial effectiveness of the nets.

This work, though small, can save lives and represents a remarkable innovation.

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