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Leaf: Revolutionizing Farm Data Management with Technology

Farms generate a wealth of data. Tractors, irrigation systems, all produce numbers. The issue? This data is scattered and disorganized. Enter Leaf, which can be thought of as Plaid for farms.

Bailey Stockdale, CEO of Leaf, witnessed the traditional methods used on his family's farm—like planting seeds based on a thermometer buried in the soil. He recognized that technology could offer a solution. While farms were accumulating data, they lacked the means to utilize it effectively. Stockdale reached out to various sources but found no definitive solutions, prompting him to create Leaf.

Leaf organizes and streamlines farm data, integrating it into an API that is utilized by crop insurers, agricultural technology startups, and more, with payment structured per acre. Since its launch in 2021, Leaf has partnered with major companies like Bayer and Syngenta.

Leaf has secured $11.3 million in funding. Its future plans include expanding sales and refining its product. The company is focused on enhancing data accuracy, a critical factor for AI models that predict crop planting and fertilizer application.

Stockdale views agriculture as a blend of traditional and modern practices. Leaf, functioning as an API in a rustic setting, is successfully bridging this gap.

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