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Scientists Uncover Key Factors in Rain Formation

Scientists Uncover Key Factors in Rain Formation

Scientists have cracked the mystery of how rain forms. This breakthrough helps improve weather and climate predictions.

Rain starts when tiny water droplets in clouds stick to small particles like dust or salt. These droplets collide and grow until they're heavy enough to fall as rain. The process is complex and depends on various factors, including turbulence in the air.

A team led by Kamal Kant Chandrakar found that turbulence speeds up rain formation. In simulations with turbulence, rain formed 20 minutes earlier and was seven times heavier than without it.

This research, funded by NASA and others, used advanced computer models and real-world observations from NASA's CAMP2Ex mission. The findings suggest that turbulence plays a crucial role in rain development, challenging previous theories that focused on larger particles.

Understanding rain formation better can lead to improved computer models for weather and climate forecasting. This could ultimately help protect society by providing more accurate predictions.

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