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Kneecap Film Celebrates Irish Language and Culture

Kneecap, the Irish language rap group, stars in a film about their rise. Set in 2019 Belfast, it highlights their fight for Irish language rights. The UK's 2022 Identity and Language Act granted Irish equal status to English.

The band formed in 2017, sparked by a graffiti incident. Their first song, "C.E.A.R.T.A," went viral after being denied radio play. They've since released two albums, blending Irish and English.

Kneecap uses hip-hop to promote Irish language and culture. Their music videos tell stories, enhancing understanding for non-Irish speakers. The film extends these narratives, using subtitles to bridge language gaps.

Interest in Irish has surged, with Duolingo reporting a 70% increase in learners. Kneecap's impact is clear: in a Belfast Irish class, half the students cited the band as their motivation.

The film positions Kneecap for a global audience, celebrating their role in revitalizing the Irish language.

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