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Advanced Microscope Achieves Record Magnetic Field Resolution

Advanced Microscope Achieves Record Magnetic Field Resolution

Scientists from Hitachi, Kyushu University, RIKEN, and HREM Research Inc. have broken new ground in observing magnetic fields at the atomic scale. They've achieved a resolution of 0.47 nm, up from the previous 0.67 nm set in 2017.

Using an advanced atomic resolution holographic electron microscope, they visualized magnetic fields in Ba2FeMoO6, a layered crystal material. This breakthrough allows for clearer observation of magnetic phenomena at material interfaces, crucial for developing high-performance materials used in electronics, catalysis, transportation, and energy production.

The team automated data collection and image correction, processing 10,000 images in 8.5 hours. They also introduced an automatic aberration correction method, previously theoretical, into off-axis electron holography.

This advancement opens doors to observing magnetic lattices in specific areas like interfaces and grain boundaries, potentially revealing hidden phenomena in magnetic materials. The hope is that this technology will aid in creating materials essential for a carbon-neutral society.

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