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EU's Digital Regulations Impact on Big Tech

The EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) aim to curb Big Tech's dominance. Both laws, enacted in 2024, target platforms like Amazon, Apple, and Google, imposing hefty fines for violations.

The DSA focuses on consumer welfare and content moderation, setting high standards for handling illegal content and disinformation. It applies stricter rules to larger platforms, aiming to balance freedom of expression with safety.

The DMA, more aggressive, targets "gatekeepers" like Apple and Meta, limiting their control over platforms. It mandates openness, like allowing third-party app stores on iOS and interoperability in messaging services.

Both laws centralize enforcement, avoiding jurisdictional conflicts. The EU hopes these regulations will foster competition and innovation, ensuring a fair digital market.

Initial investigations show resistance from some tech giants, highlighting the challenges ahead. The success of these laws will unfold over time, shaping the future of digital markets in Europe.

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