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Rising Cancer Rates Among Younger Generations: A Growing Concern

Rising Cancer Rates Among Younger Generations: A Growing ConcernRising Cancer Rates Among Younger Generations: A Growing ConcernRising Cancer Rates Among Younger Generations: A Growing Concern

Recent study by the American Cancer Society shows rising cancer rates among younger generations. Seventeen of 34 cancer types are increasing, including breast, pancreatic, and stomach cancers. Death rates are also up for cancers like liver, uterine, gallbladder, testicular, and colorectal.

Hyuna Sung, the study's lead author, notes these trends extend beyond earlier findings on early-onset colorectal and obesity-related cancers. The research analyzed data from over 23 million cancer patients and 7 million cancer deaths between 2000 and 2019.

Key findings:

  • Pancreatic, kidney, and small intestine cancers have doubled or tripled in incidence among those born after 1955.
  • Liver cancer in women, uterine cancer, and others show similar increases.
  • Ovarian and uterine cancers have seen the most significant rises, with rates up to 169% higher in the youngest cohort.

Ahmedin Jemal, senior vice president at the American Cancer Society, warns of a potential future surge in cancer burden if preventive measures are not strengthened. Lisa Lacasse of the ACS Cancer Action Network emphasizes the need for affordable healthcare access to combat these trends.

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