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US Government Funds Moderna for Bird Flu Vaccine Development

The US government has just awarded Moderna $176 million to develop an mRNA vaccine for bird flu. This funding is provided through BARDA, an organization that supports medical emergencies. They are part of a new agreement to collaborate with companies and prepare for pandemics.

Moderna is already conducting tests on a bird flu vaccine, concentrating on H5 and H7 strains. They aim to complete Phase 1/2 trials this year and initiate Phase 3 in 2025. The additional funding will assist them in finalizing an H5 vaccine.

Health officials are also in discussions with Pfizer regarding a bird flu vaccine. They plan to produce 4.8 million vials of H5 vaccine shortly. This development coincides with the spread of H5N1 through US dairy farms, sparking concerns that it could infect humans.

A small study in Texas suggests that human cases might be going undetected on farms affected by H5N1.

In summary, the US is preparing for a potential bird flu pandemic, relying on Moderna and other companies to quickly produce vaccines.

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