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Los Angeles BIG:LEAP program significantly improves the quality of life for impoverished families.

Los Angeles BIG:LEAP program significantly improves the quality of life for impoverished families.

The BIG:LEAP program implemented by the City of Los Angeles provides residents with $1000 in cash each month for a year. This program aims to provide basic income security, covering 3200 deeply impoverished households. Research shows significant improvements among participants in economic welfare, food security, and reduction of intimate partner violence.

A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California, Los Angeles, reports that the BIG:LEAP program has had positive impacts across multiple areas. Participants reported reduced intimate partner violence, alleviated food insecurity, and improved quality of life.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass supports expanding the program, believing that continued implementation of creative solutions is necessary. Michael D. Tubbs, founder of the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, emphasizes that guaranteed income provides families with flexibility and stability.

The study also found that despite the financial pressures brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, guaranteed income programs effectively enhanced the safety and autonomy of beneficiaries, strengthened community awareness, improved financial conditions, reinforced food security, and provided more enriching activities for children.

The BIG:LEAP program is seen as a bold investment aimed at providing economic security and a fluid foundation for families with children. Participants must be at least 18 years old, with at least one dependent in the household or expecting a child, and affected economically or medically by COVID-19.

The findings suggest that social integration programs can be a significant method for supporting families and communities. The authors believe that guaranteed income is an effective strategy for promoting overall health and well-being.

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