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Substandard and Fake Medicines Plague Africa

Substandard and Fake Medicines Plague Africa

A fifth of medicines in Africa might be substandard or fake. This could be killing hundreds of thousands each year. Researchers checked 7,508 samples from 27 studies. 1,639 failed quality tests.

Substandard meds are authorized but low quality. Falsified meds are fake, pretending to be something else. Antibiotics and antimalarials are the most faked in Africa. This fuels antibiotic resistance.

Malawi has the most substandard and fake medicines. Complex, inefficient supply chains and multiple middlemen make it easy for fake meds to slip in.

One in 10 medical products in developing countries is substandard or fake. 42% of these cases are in Africa.

Action is needed. Strengthen supply chains. Improve surveillance. Pharma companies must report fakes. Public awareness is crucial.

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