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US and UK urgently call for citizens to evacuate Lebanon, dispatching warships to strengthen Middle East defense.

US and UK urgently call for citizens to evacuate Lebanon, dispatching warships to strengthen Middle East defense.

Tensions escalate in the Middle East as Israel launches air strikes in Lebanon, killing a senior commander of Hezbollah. The US and UK urge their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel, most of which are intercepted with no casualties. The US Embassy urges citizens to use commercial flights to depart as soon as possible. The UK Foreign Office issues a similar call and dispatches military personnel to assist in evacuation.

A Hamas leader is assassinated in Iran, which vows retaliation. The US deploys an aircraft carrier and warships to the Middle East to bolster defenses. The UK also sends warships and helicopters on standby.

Hezbollah, backed by Iran, could become the main force in retaliation. The conflict in the Middle East may escalate, with Lebanon and Israel potentially becoming the next battleground.

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