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Global Spread of Highly Virulent Superbugs: WHO Issues Warning

Global Spread of Highly Virulent Superbugs: WHO Issues Warning

The World Health Organization has warned of the global spread of highly virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae, with at least 16 countries reporting its presence. The bacteria are highly resistant to drugs and can rapidly cause severe infections, even fatal ones. The scientific community has not yet fully understood its pathogenic mechanisms.

This bacterium can lead to various diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis, with highly virulent strains posing an even greater threat. ST23 strains, detected in 12 countries, are resistant to all β-lactam antibiotics. Treatment options are limited.

The WHO calls for enhanced cooperation, improved detection capabilities, understanding of epidemic dynamics, and the development of prevention strategies. Additionally, antibiotics should be used rationally to slow the development of resistance.

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