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Microplastics Discovered in Human Bone Marrow

Researchers discovered microplastics in human bone marrow. These minute plastic particles originate from common items such as bags and toys. They are pervasive, even within our bodies. This finding, led by Zhang Shao-kai at Henan Cancer Hospital, implies that these plastics could elevate the risk of blood cancers.

The study employed advanced techniques such as Py-GC/MS and LD-IR to detect and analyze these microplastics. It revealed an average concentration of 51.29 µg/g of microplastics in the bone marrow samples, with polyethylene and polystyrene being the most prevalent types.

This research marks the first to provide evidence of microplastic accumulation in human bone marrow, paving the way for understanding how these plastics may affect our blood-forming systems.

The results underscore the necessity to curtail plastic usage and pollution. Simple measures, such as avoiding single-use plastics, can contribute to safeguarding our health.

Microplastics: Tiny plastic fragments, often less than 5mm, resulting from the breakdown of larger plastic items.

Py-GC/MS: A method combining pyrolysis (heating to break down substances), gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry to analyze complex materials.

LD-IR: Laser diode infrared imaging, used to identify and map the distribution of specific substances.

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