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Bethesda Launches Creations Platform and Announces Doom-themed Mini-Mission in Starfield

Bethesda Launches Creations Platform and Announces Doom-themed Mini-Mission in Starfield

Bethesda has launched the Creations platform, an official tool to enhance community-created content. Players and developers can easily share and access special edition community works. At the end of the promotional video, it was announced that "Starfield" will include a free "Doom"-style mini-mission, created by the Kinggath Creations team, known for developing the "Sim Settlements" mod for "Fallout 4".

Creations platform: Bethesda's official tool for sharing and enhancing community-created content by players and developers.

Kinggath Creations: A team skilled in creating game mods, such as "Sim Settlements" for "Fallout 4".

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