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TikTok Partners with Warner Bros. for Media Discovery

TikTok's new feature, "Spotlight," partners with Warner Bros. and other studios to streamline the process of discovering movies and TV shows. Users can click on videos, access detailed information pages, and choose to stream, rent, or purchase tickets.

Content creators benefit from rewards such as profile frames, filters, and complimentary tickets. Warner Bros. is promoting "House of the Dragon" season two through this initiative. They previously tested the feature with "Dune: Part Two," resulting in 260,000 posts.

Spotlight launches with select studios, potentially positioning TikTok as the premier destination for media discovery, possibly even surpassing Google. TikTok has previously ventured into this space by partnering with Ticketmaster for event ticketing.

This strategy could revolutionize how we seek out entertainment, posing a direct challenge to Google's dominance in search. With AI-driven search tools gaining prominence, TikTok's approach is well-timed.

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