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Scientists Propose Lunar Vault for Endangered Species DNA

Scientists Propose Lunar Vault for Endangered Species DNA

Scientists propose a lunar vault for endangered DNA. No power, no liquid nitrogen needed. Moon's shadowed craters stay cold enough.

Led by Smithsonian, the plan aims to safeguard Earth's vanishing species. They target high-risk species first, then expand. The idea? Use the moon's natural chill.

The proposal draws from Norway's seed vault, but for animal cells, which need colder temps. Earth's setups rely on liquid nitrogen, power, and manpower—all vulnerable.

Moon's poles have pits never hit by sun. These spots hit -410°F (-246°C), perfect for passive freezing. To shield from space radiation, store samples underground or in thick lunar rock.

They've frozen fish skin cells, a good test case. These cells are easier to collect than eggs or sperm and can represent many species.

Next, test radiation resistance on Earth. Seek partners for more trials, maybe on the International Space Station.

Imagine a public-private lunar vault, managed like the seed bank. Not a doomsday plan, but a safeguard against disasters, and a boost for space travel. Life, precious and rare, deserves this backup.

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