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Big Tech Facing Large GDPR Fines

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has hit Big Tech hard since 2018. Meta leads with the steepest fines, totaling over €2 billion across Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has been particularly stern, penalizing Meta multiple times for mishandling user data and violating transfer rules.

Amazon and ByteDance (TikTok) also face hefty fines, with Amazon cited for improper ad targeting and TikTok for minor data protection failures. Google's Android platform received a significant penalty in France for transparency and consent issues.

Notably, GDPR fines extend beyond traditional tech giants. Adtech firm Criteo and AI startup Clearview AI have also been sanctioned for GDPR breaches, highlighting the regulation's broad reach.

GDPR's enforcement underscores a critical shift: the EU's commitment to safeguarding personal data in the digital age. Big Tech must adapt or face substantial financial consequences.

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