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OpenStreetMap: 20 Years of Community-Driven Mapping

Steve Coast, a dropout from University College London, started OpenStreetMap two decades ago. Inspired by Wikipedia and Linux, he believed in a community-driven map. Today, it boasts over 10 million contributors, mapping everything from streets to rivers.

OpenStreetMap operates under the Open Database License (ODbL), allowing free use with attribution. Major companies like Apple and Uber rely on its data. The OpenStreetMap Foundation, a non-profit, manages the project with minimal staff and funding.

The platform challenges Google Maps' dominance, arguing that location data should not be monopolized by a single entity. OpenStreetMap offers an affordable, accessible alternative, emphasizing shared ownership of geographic data.

In essence, OpenStreetMap proves that collective effort can create something valuable, bypassing traditional funding and corporate control. It's a testament to the power of open-source collaboration.

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