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Investigation of Water Body Pollution in Osaka Prefecture and Abnormalities in Resident Blood Tests

Investigation of Water Body Pollution in Osaka Prefecture and Abnormalities in Resident Blood Tests

In Settsu City, Osaka Prefecture, organic fluorine compounds were detected in groundwater at levels 400 times above the standard. A civil group conducted blood tests on over a thousand residents, and about 30% were found to be above the normal range. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are difficult to degrade and accumulate in the environment and human bodies, earning them the nickname "forever chemicals." The World Health Organization has classified two of these substances as carcinogenic or possibly carcinogenic. Abnormalities in water bodies and blood tests of residents in multiple Japanese regions are suspected to be related to U.S. military bases and Self-Defense Forces bases. The Japanese government has initiated a nationwide investigation into harmful substances in tap water.

PFAS: A class of chemicals widely used in products such as non-stick pans and waterproof clothing. Due to their persistence and accumulative nature, they pose a risk to human health.

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