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New Electrochemical Method for Efficient Chiral Molecule Synthesis

New Electrochemical Method for Efficient Chiral Molecule Synthesis

Professor Wang Jianchun from Southern University of Science and Technology has proposed a new electrochemical cyclic deracemization method, addressing the issue of incompatible redox potentials. This method, through electrocatalysis, theoretically achieves 100% atomic utilization without the need for expensive chiral reagents, simplifying the synthesis process of drug molecules.

Chiral molecules are crucial in drug synthesis but are typically difficult to obtain from racemic molecules in a single configuration. Professor Wang Jianchun's method efficiently converts racemic molecules into a single configuration through electrochemical cycling, enhancing synthesis efficiency.

This research not only theoretically proves its feasibility but also demonstrates its broad application potential in experiments. Professor Wang Jianchun's research team has achieved electrocatalytic cyclic deracemization by chemically modifying electrodes, bringing new hope to the field of medicinal chemistry.

Inspired by the pursuit of simple solutions, Professor Wang Jianchun believes that simple strategies often solve complex problems. This achievement not only complements existing technologies but also provides new directions for future drug development.

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