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DeepBrain Chain: Democratizing AI Compute with Blockchain

DeepBrain Chain, founded by Yong He, aims to democratize AI compute access. It leverages blockchain to pool GPU resources from users, reducing AI compute costs by up to 70%. This model benefits small companies and individuals who can't afford high-end GPUs or cloud services like AWS.

GPU owners earn by sharing their resources through the blockchain, receiving payments in DBC tokens. The platform, built on Substrate, supports various applications including AI training, cloud gaming, and visual rendering.

DeepBrain Chain has seen significant adoption, with major players like Huawei and Polygon involved. The platform's success lies in its ability to enable AI use in sectors previously unable to afford it, fostering innovation and cost efficiency.

In essence, DeepBrain Chain transforms how we access and utilize AI, making advanced computing power accessible to all.

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