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"Japan's Ambitious Plan to Lead in Advanced Microchip Production"

Japan once ruled the semiconductor world. In the 1980s, they had over half the market. But shifts happened. Taiwan, with TSMC, and the U.S., with design expertise, took the lead. The Netherlands' ASML chipped in with crucial manufacturing tools.

Now, Japan aims to reclaim its throne. Rapidus Corporation, a 2022 joint venture, is their spearhead. They plan to produce 2 nanometer chips by 2027, chasing TSMC and Samsung.

Semiconductors are everywhere—smartphones, running shoes, even in the burgeoning field of Gen AI. They're divided into logic chips (processors) and memory chips (data storage).

Japan's fall from dominance came from political hits, like U.S. tariffs, and a shift in industry strategy towards specialization. The old model of design and manufacture under one roof gave way to focused roles.

Japan's push is backed by hefty government subsidies. Their goal: to innovate and manufacture at the cutting edge once more.

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