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Precision Neuroscience Advances Brain-Computer Interfaces

Precision Neuroscience Advances Brain-Computer Interfaces

Precision Neuroscience is developing brain-computer interfaces. These devices aim to help paralyzed people control computers and lead normal lives. The technology involves implanting flexible, thin electrodes under the skull to record brain activity.

Ben Rapoport, co-founder of Precision Neuroscience, has already implanted these electrodes in 17 people. He can capture and visualize how their brains form thoughts. The electrodes, placed on a 20-micron-thick membrane, are less invasive than traditional deep-brain implants. They record electrical signals from the brain's surface without damaging it.

Rapoport's team has set a record by placing 4,096 electrodes on a single brain. They hope the FDA will approve their device soon, making it a new standard in care. This technology could revolutionize communication for those unable to speak.

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