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The world's largest floating offshore wind power platform sets sail, with an annual power generation capacity of 54 million kilowatt-hours.

The world's largest floating offshore wind power platform sets sail, with an annual power generation capacity of 54 million kilowatt-hours.The world's largest floating offshore wind power platform sets sail, with an annual power generation capacity of 54 million kilowatt-hours.

"Mingyang Tiancheng"号, a giant floating offshore wind power platform, has safely departed from Guangzhou and is heading towards Yangjiang. With an annual power generation capacity of 5400 megawatt-hours, it is sufficient to supply electricity to 30,000 households. This platform innovatively adopts a dual-rotor, dual-main-engine design, with a total capacity of 16.6 megawatts, suitable for deep water areas.

Floating offshore wind power platform: A facility that floats at sea and harnesses wind power for electricity generation, suitable for deep water areas where fixed platforms are too costly.

Dual-rotor, dual-main-engine design: The platform is equipped with two rotors and two generators to enhance power generation efficiency and stability.

V-shaped tower arrangement: The towers are arranged in a V-shape to optimize wind capture and structural stability.

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