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E1 Electric Boat Race: Monaco's Sustainable Sports Innovation

Monaco, known for luxury and speed, now hosts E1, an electric boat race. The Racebird boats, all-electric, race without fuel or oil, quieter and cleaner than traditional boats. Monaco's push for sustainability clashes with its love for Formula One and superyachts, but E1 offers a cleaner alternative.

E1's founders, including Rodi Basso, a former Formula One engineer, aim to reduce environmental impact. They use robotic buoys that don't harm seabeds and are working to build boats locally, cutting down on transport.

Celebrity team owners like Will Smith, Rafael Nadal, and Tom Brady bring attention to the race and its conservation efforts. Nadal's team focuses on protecting seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean.

E1 not only races but also champions marine conservation through its Blue Impact program. The blend of high-tech racing and environmental activism draws a crowd and sparks interest in sustainable boating.

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