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Taiwan's Audrey Tang Advocates 'Pre-bunking' to Combat Disinformation

Taiwan's Audrey Tang Advocates 'Pre-bunking' to Combat Disinformation

Sydney — Audrey Tang, Taiwan's ex-Digital Minister, champions "pre-bunking" as a shield against fake news. Pre-bunking means alerting the public to impending disinformation attacks, allowing them to brace and respond proactively.

Tang emphasizes the need for swift action: debunking falsehoods within an hour of their emergence. This rapid response ensures truth reaches the masses before misinformation takes root.

Taiwan's approach includes the CoFact project, a collaborative platform akin to Wikipedia, where citizens contribute verified facts to combat lies.

Cybersecurity threats loom large, especially for nations like Tuvalu and Palau, which face increased pressure from China. Tang advocates for a united front, involving governments, civil societies, and private sectors, to bolster defenses against cyberattacks.

Her tenure's challenge? Distinguishing between foreign manipulation and domestic misinformation. Tang's travels to 20 countries highlight global interest in Taiwan's model of maintaining internet freedom without compromising free speech.

Taiwan stands out, blending high press freedom with effective disinformation defense. Tang's insights underscore the importance of collective vigilance and rapid, transparent responses in the digital age.

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