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Ancient Amazonian Rock Art Reveals Early Human-Animal Relationships

Ancient Amazonian Rock Art Reveals Early Human-Animal Relationships

New research in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology explores ancient rock art in Colombia's Amazon, dating back 12,500 years. These paintings, found at Cerro Azul, depict a variety of animals and mythological transformations, offering insights into early Amazonian diets, myths, and environmental interactions.

The art reveals a complex relationship between humans and animals, where creatures were not only food sources but also revered beings linked to the supernatural. This duality is evident in the paintings, which include scenes of hunting and fishing alongside mythical transformations.

Archaeologists combined analysis of animal remains from nearby digs with the art. The remains showed a diverse diet, including fish, mammals, reptiles, yet the art did not mirror this directly. This suggests selective representation, possibly influenced by cultural or spiritual significance.

The study highlights the intricate knowledge and utilization of diverse ecosystems by ancient Amazonians, from aquatic to terrestrial habitats. It also touches on the cosmological aspects of their lives, such as taboos and interactions with the supernatural.

This research, facilitated by recent peace in the region, opens a window into the deep history and rich mythology of the Amazon, revealing how early humans perceived their world and their place within it.

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