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Singapore PM Calls for Policy Reset with Emphasis on R&D and Innovation

Singapore PM Calls for Policy Reset with Emphasis on R&D and Innovation

Singapore's Prime Minister Lawrence Wong called for a "major reset" in policy and attitude at his first National Day Rally. He highlighted the need to adapt economic, housing, and education strategies due to global competition and geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China.

Wong emphasized the importance of innovation and productivity, pushing for heavy investments in research and development (R&D) and new technologies. He appointed Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong to review and streamline regulations to maintain Singapore's business-friendly environment.

The nation faces demographic challenges, with a declining birth rate and an aging population. Wong's government plans to enhance parental leave and reduce preschool fees to address these issues.

His approach reflects a blend of prudence and boldness, aiming to secure Singapore's future without being bound by past constraints. The effectiveness of these measures will be tested in the upcoming general election by November 2025.

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