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Yunus Leads Bangladesh Amid Political Turmoil

Yunus Leads Bangladesh Amid Political Turmoil

Muhammad Yunus, Nobel laureate and microcredit pioneer, now heads Bangladesh's interim government. This follows the ousting of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who fled amid mass protests and unrest.

Yunus, known for founding Grameen Bank, faces a nation in turmoil. His interim government must stabilize the country, implement reforms, and prepare for elections. Hasina's long rule ended dramatically, pushed by student-led protests.

Neighboring countries, notably India and China, watch closely. India, with strong ties to Hasina, faces a foreign policy challenge. China, having recently deepened ties with Bangladesh, seeks to navigate the new political landscape.

Yunus's immediate tasks include restoring law and order and protecting minority groups. The future of Bangladesh hinges on these efforts and the upcoming elections.

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