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Climate Crisis Forces Polar Bears into Arctic Communities

Climate Crisis Forces Polar Bears into Arctic Communities

Polar bears, forced onto land by melting ice, are increasingly approaching Arctic communities. John Ussak, a fisherman in Rankin Inlet, fired 20 warning shots to scare off a bear. Days later, two bears killed a technician in Nunavut.

Experts warn that these encounters will increase as climate change disrupts bear habitats. Andrew Derocher, a biologist, notes that bears are becoming more unpredictable. Sea ice, essential for bear survival, is thinning. Some areas experienced near-record-low ice levels this summer.

Derocher predicts more conflicts between bears and humans. Communities are ill-prepared. Few have polar bear patrols. Discussions often center on sustaining the annual hunt rather than safety.

Garbage attracts bears. Derocher envisions a bleak future: fewer bears as populations decline. But for now, the conflict persists.

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