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Devolver Digital Enhances Website Performance with Vercel

Devolver Digital, known for its indie games, faced a bottleneck with its website infrastructure. The team was bogged down by system management, leaving little time for creativity. Enter Vercel, a platform that streamlined their workflow.

With Vercel, Devolver cut system management time by over half. They launched five websites during a press conference without a hitch. Eli Penner, a web developer at Devolver, noted, "Our sites just work. We are never 'on-call' in case there’s a problem."

Vercel offered zero-configuration integrations and built-in CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment), simplifying the process from idea to launch. Preview URLs on each pull request allowed for quick iterations and feedback. Local testing became robust, eliminating the need for constant redeployments.

The first project on Vercel was a revamped Enter the Gungeon website. Since then, the team focuses on games and websites, not infrastructure woes. With time and frustration saved, Devolver plans to expand its engineering team.

For those looking to streamline their frontend workflow, Vercel offers a solution. It's about moving faster and focusing on what you love.

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