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Hiroko Nishimura: Overcoming Adversity to Teach Tech

Hiroko Nishimura's journey is one of resilience and transformation. Born in Japan, she moved to the U.S. as a child and was later diagnosed with a brain tumor in her early twenties. After surgery, she underwent significant recovery, including relearning to walk and talk. Despite ongoing disabilities, Nishimura has flourished, transitioning from a career in special education to roles in system administration and cloud engineering.

Her expertise has led to the authorship of technical books, notably "AWS for Non-Engineers," and the founding of the AWS Newbies community. Over half a million students have enrolled in her LinkedIn Learning course. Nishimura's story highlights the power of determination and adaptability in the face of adversity.

The podcast, hosted by freeCodeCamp's Quincy Larson, explores Nishimura's cultural and linguistic adaptation, her health challenges, and her professional journey. It serves as a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome and inspire.

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