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Disney Embraces Digital Engagement for Global Reach

Disney Embraces Digital Engagement for Global Reach

Disney is aiming high by using digital tools to bridge gaps. Asad Ayaz, their chief brand officer, spoke at D23, a fan event. He views digital engagement as crucial, particularly in regions without Disney parks or where film access is limited.

Ayaz highlighted technology's impact on entertainment consumption. He noted that Generation Z is less interested in traditional TV and tends to skip ads, preferring social media influencers over traditional celebrities.

Disney's strategy involves leveraging digital platforms like games and social media to engage with fans. They have invested $1.5 billion in Epic Games, incorporating Disney characters into Fortnite. Additionally, they collaborate with tech leaders like Microsoft, Adobe, and Google.

Ayaz stressed Disney's commitment to pioneering new technology for branding, aiming to be at the forefront of testing and adopting new innovations. He believes this approach ensures Disney remains relevant and engaging.

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