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102-Year-Old Veteran Sets Record as Britain's Oldest Skydiver

102-Year-Old Veteran Sets Record as Britain's Oldest Skydiver

Manette Baillie, 102, jumped from a plane on Sunday. A military veteran, she served in Egypt during World War II. This jump made her Britain's oldest skydiver. She aimed to raise £30,000 for three charities: East Anglian Air Ambulance, Motor Neurone Disease Association, and her local ex-servicemen's club.

Before the jump, Baillie received a letter from Prince William. She had raced a Ferrari at 130mph for her 100th birthday. After landing, she smiled, clutching a bouquet from the air ambulance.

Baillie's advice: "Keep busy, be interested in everything, be kind to those around you and let them be kind to you. And don't forget to party."

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