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Ex-FBI Informant's Book Warns of Far-Right Violence

Ex-FBI Informant's Book Warns of Far-Right Violence

Joe Moore, a former sniper and FBI informant, spent a decade embedded within the KKK. His book, "White Robes and Broken Badges," unveils the profound connections between the Klan and law enforcement. Moore thwarted a murder plot orchestrated by Klansmen who were also prison guards.

He cautions about the potential for far-right violence during the 2024 election. Moore identifies two sources of far-right ideology: geographical and generational. His undercover work led to the downfall of significant KKK leaders.

Moore's experiences illustrate the KKK's persistent influence. He observes that other white nationalist groups have adopted Klan tactics. His efforts highlight the infiltration of law enforcement by these groups.

Moore's book is particularly relevant given public concerns about political violence. His analysis underscores the continuous threat posed by domestic extremism.

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