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Gut Electric Signals Attract Salmonella, New Research Finds

Scientists at UC Davis discovered that Salmonella employs electric signals in the gut to invade the body. This process, known as galvanotaxis, provides a novel approach to understanding bacterial infections and treating gut diseases.

Salmonella, a harmful bacterium, navigates the intricate gut to locate vulnerable areas for infection. It targets the gut lining, composed of cells that aid in nutrient absorption and others that gather antigens for the immune system.

In mice, Salmonella senses electric signals in these antigen-collecting cells and moves towards them, differing from the behavior of harmless bacteria like E. coli, which remain near nutrient-absorbing cells.

This research could shed light on chronic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), where the immune system poorly responds to beneficial bacteria. Identifying whether gut electrical activity is abnormal in IBD patients could be crucial.

The study, published in Nature Microbiology, suggests a new method for bacteria to target the body, paving the way for potential prevention and treatment strategies.

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