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Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Address Key Regional Issues

Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Address Key Regional IssuesPacific Islands Forum Leaders Address Key Regional IssuesPacific Islands Forum Leaders Address Key Regional Issues

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting in Tonga addresses climate change, geopolitical tensions, and economic stress. Established in 1971, the PIF faces unprecedented challenges. Climate change and disaster resilience are top priorities, with a funding shortfall for the Pacific Resilience Facility.

New Caledonia's internal conflict complicates the forum, as France mediates between pro-France loyalists and separatists. Geopolitical rivalry intensifies with China and the U.S. competing for influence, particularly in security and policing in the region.

Australia advocates for regional policing cooperation to counter China's expanding security role. The forum also considers associate membership for U.S. territories.

The meeting aims for tangible outcomes under intense international scrutiny, with leaders under pressure to deliver results for their communities.

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