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China's Kindergarten Closures Reflect Economic Impact of Declining Births

China's Kindergarten Closures Reflect Economic Impact of Declining Births

China's kindergartens are closing as birth rates decline, with 20,000 schools shutting down in two years. Enrollment dropped by 5 million in 2023 to 40.92 million, the lowest since 2014. Private schools have been hit the hardest.

Parents like Li in Jiangsu are grappling with the costs. She is torn between enrolling her 2-year-old in a public or private school, weighing the quality against the high expenses.

The economic impact is looming, with fewer children leading to a smaller workforce. The government is seeking solutions, aiming to reduce child-rearing costs and encourage births.

Japan's experience serves as a warning against neglecting childcare. China plans to expand public schools and offer subsidies to private ones, with the goal of encouraging more schools to accept toddlers.

The government's urgency is reflected in President Xi Jinping's directives, emphasizing the need to build a birth-friendly society. Concrete actions are being taken, though their effects remain uncertain.

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