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Incheon EV Fire Raises Safety Concerns in South Korea

Incheon EV Fire Raises Safety Concerns in South Korea

Incheon's EV fire spooks South Korea.

A Mercedes-Benz EV blaze in Incheon's underground parking lot scared buyers. Used EV prices dropped. Cho, a dealer, saw demand halve.

Government eyes stricter EV regulations. Plans include forcing automakers to reveal battery details. Mercedes' EQE 350+ fire-starter used Farasis Energy batteries.

Hyundai and LG Energy Solution act fast. Hyundai discloses battery sources; LG pushes safety software.

Analysts call for safer EV infrastructure. Han Byung-hwa notes lithium batteries' inherent fire risk. Suggests embracing risk and investing in safety systems.

Immersion cooling tech, proven in data centers, could boost EV safety. Some makers already use it.

EV fires aren't unique to South Korea. Recent incidents in Portugal, California, and China underline global concerns.

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