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Palico Pioneers Online LP-Led Secondaries Deals with FINRA Approval

Palico, a Paris-based firm, recently gained approval from FINRA to conduct LP-led secondaries deals online. This marks a first in the industry.

LP secondaries involve limited partners selling their stakes in venture capital funds to other LPs. Traditionally, these deals were offline, opaque, and costly. Palico aims to streamline this process through an online marketplace.

Sellers upload details about their stakes. Buyers can then review and bid. The platform resembles eBay in its simplicity. Palico plans to enable direct buying on the site soon.

The venture secondaries market is booming, driven by the need for liquidity as companies stay private longer. Smaller LPs, often overlooked by traditional brokers, find Palico particularly beneficial.

Palico's approval could reshape the LP-led secondaries market, making transactions more accessible and cost-effective.

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