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Revolutionizing Bone Surgery with 3D Printing Technology

Building new bones with help from 3D printing.

3D printing crafts bones. It's like making a model from plastic, but for bones. This technology helps people who need new bones, possibly due to an accident or illness.

The process is precise. Doctors use a patient's own cells to create the bone, which reduces the risk of the body rejecting it. The bone is printed layer by layer, similar to how a cake is made. Each layer is thin, about the width of a hair.

This method could revolutionize surgery. It offers a new way to repair broken bones or replace missing ones. The bones made by 3D printing are strong and can grow with the patient.

In short, 3D printing brings hope. It's a tool that could make surgeries safer and more effective. The future looks bright for those needing bone replacements.

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