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World of Warcraft Introduces Streamlined Warband System

World of Warcraft Introduces Streamlined Warband System

The new Warband System in World of Warcraft's "The War Within" simplifies sharing items and gold among characters on the same account. This system integrates all characters, regardless of realm, within a single region.

Key features include:

  • A refreshed character selection screen with a "Favorites" list.
  • Seamless trading of materials, currencies, and gear.
  • Account-wide Renown and Standard reputation gains.
  • A Warband Bank accessible at any banker, with costly additional tabs.
  • A Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor for remote access, with a two-hour cooldown.

This system aims to streamline character management and gear distribution, making gameplay more efficient. Future expansions may include more items and reputations for seamless swapping.

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