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IOM Chief Calls for Climate Migration Pathways

IOM Chief Calls for Climate Migration Pathways

NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga — Amy Pope, head of the International Organization for Migration, urges more nations to create migration pathways for climate refugees. She highlights Australia’s visa treaty with Tuvalu, allowing 280 Tuvaluans yearly entry to escape rising seas.

Pope emphasizes the need for balanced migration, avoiding the depletion of skilled workers from source countries. She advocates for resilience-building and training in island communities.

The IOM focuses on the Pacific as a testing ground for global climate migration strategies. Pope notes that climate-driven displacements now exceed those from conflict.

Remittances, money sent home by migrants, offer a development tool. Pope cites Somalia’s community funding model and Walmart’s zero-fee remittance service as promising initiatives.

Efforts to lower remittance costs could significantly boost local economies. Pope’s vision is clear: proactive migration policies and strategic use of remittances can aid climate-affected communities.

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