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NFL Approves Private Equity Investment in Teams

NFL Approves Private Equity Investment in Teams

NFL owners voted to allow private equity firms to purchase up to 10% stakes in teams. This decision, supported by 31 out of 32 owners, signifies a change in the league's financial framework.

The approved firms, which include Ares Management and Sixth Street Partners, intend to invest $12 billion. This capital injection aims to bolster team operations and improve fan experiences.

Each firm is permitted to engage with up to six teams, with an average investment of $500 million per team. Investments are required to remain for a minimum of six years.

This move comes after years of deliberation and represents the NFL's tentative step into private equity financing, contrasting with other major sports leagues that permit up to 30% equity ownership.

The decision could alleviate financial pressures on existing owners, particularly as team valuations rise. It also presents opportunities for new stadium developments, enhancing team infrastructure.

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