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Solar and Battery Storage Lead U.S. Energy Growth in 2024

Solar and Battery Storage Lead U.S. Energy Growth in 2024

In 2024, solar and battery storage are the leading drivers of U.S. energy growth. The EIA reports that 80% of new power comes from these sources. From January to June, 20.2 gigawatts of new capacity came online, with solar accounting for 60%. Key players include Texas and Nevada, both states with abundant sunshine.

Battery installations surged, reaching 4.2 gigawatts, over 20% of the total. California leads, but Texas, Arizona, and Nevada also make significant contributions. Notable projects include Nevada's Gemini and Arizona's Eleven Mile.

Wind energy added 2.5 gigawatts, although it lags behind solar and batteries. The largest projects, Canyon Wind and Goodnight, are located in Texas. Nuclear energy saw modest growth with Georgia's Vogtle reactor.

The EIA forecasts a strong second half, with over 42.6 gigawatts expected, mostly from solar and battery sources. This surge is pushing 2024 towards nearly zero-emission power generation.

China's early achievement of its 2030 renewable energy target underscores the global momentum. U.S. power plant retirements have slowed, with natural gas and coal leading the reductions.

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